Analysing Genre & Audience
Also taking into account results from the Questionaire.

This is a table from of the Films released in the UK, by Genre and how they are ranked by Gross Box Office.

It is clear to analyze from the table that comedy had the most releases and gross box office out of every genre. Horror was seventh in the list with 35 releases, at 9th was Romance with only 10 releases and abit below that was Thriller which had more releases that Romance but Gross'd alot less.
Taking into account my Questionaire and results I have found, it is obvious to conclude that 'Comedy' is the most achieving genre, whilst romance is mid-table. Referring back to the summary of the questionaire, it is clear now why it is important to boost the Romantic genre to a 'Rom-Com'- inforcing a high profit genre such as comendy to Romance mean's it is more likely to Gross more at the Boxoffice as the table above shows, that both genre's are strong-moderate contender's in creating a good production of a film.


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