Beastly is a Daniel Barnz Film that was distributed in March 2011 by CBS Films. The Horror teen movie stars some of the best up and coming stars within the teen industry, such as (High School Musical's)  Vanessa Hudgens- Lindy , (Alex Rider- Stormbreaker's) Alex Pettyfer- who play's the main role of Kyle and a well-known and loved female actress that has starred in loads of her own production's (Dualstar) tv shows and movies, Mary-Kate Olsen, who plays Kendra.
The movie was based upon the novel which was realeased by HarperTeen. Beastly was shot in Montreal and filming was underway in June 2009. The modern day take on Beauty and the Beast, had a budget of an estimated $17,000,000 and on the opening weekend in America the film brought it $9,851,102 
From the beginning of the film we are introduced to Kyle (Pettyfer), a wealthy, young, popular, beautiful character from New York City who banks on his good looks, charm and money to create people to love him and want more. His said to think his 'god's gift amongst the highschool crowd, "Beautiful people get it better, that's just the way it is"-Kyle.
 He would never change unless something or in this case someone was going to throw a spanner in the works so to speak. Enter Kendra (Olsen), who sets a curse on him, to create the 'Beast' he turns into and gives him the ultimatum, a year to find someone to love him. The curse forms into a tattoo upon his arm when she touches him it then grows and develops on his whole body, he loses his eyebrows and his hair and the Beast is no longer the Beauty in this story.
Futher on in the movie he meets a young, good-looking female, Lindy (Hudgens), "substance over style"-Lindy, who see's past the mask and she begins to develop an interest in him, he starts opening his heart to other people and builds her a green house. The plot carries on developing, do they get together and the curse is broken? Or does it all back fire and Kyle stays the Beast forever?

Beastly Movie Trailer
Curtesy of

At the start of this movie a lot of medium shots are used aswell as close-up's and extreme close-ups as the plot develops. Pan's and camera tilts are as standard with Shot Reverse Shot during scene's that two or more character's are present, such as scenes with Kendra & Kyle, as she curses him.



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